XSPOC 3.2.0 Released
What’s New in 3.2 XSPOC 3.2 is here! This latest release of our XSPOCâ„¢ production optimization software expands on the artificial intelligence (AI)-driven autonomous control capabilities that were introduced in the 3.1 version, while also adding new features...
XSPOC 3.1 Release Notes
XSPOC 3.1 Release notes 3/9/2021
One of the most advanced and exciting algorithms in 3.1.0 is the autonomous idle time setpoint optimization.

RODSTAR Release Notes
RODSTAR 2020 Rel 1: New and updated pumping units New and updated rod grades Improvements made to minimum and maximum axial loads calculations to help some problem deviated cases Improvements made to automatic-batch option with better logging to help with running more...
New Webinars Added
We here at Theta know the difficulty with training. There is the travel (can’t right now due to Covid-19) with all the plane costs.