XSPOC 3.2 Release Notes
What’s new in 3.2.2 Build (44-6580)
(Released on: 7/18/2023)
New Feature(s)
- None
- XS-10399 Need to support additional pocs for Upload/Download equipment in the configuration screen.
- XS-10286 Add support for WellWorx Controller in Client
Bug Fix(s)
- XS-10501 RP Status screen not converting Plunger Size and Last Well Test to metric units
- XS-10418 Cameras – One Camera Configured For Snapshots and Axis Camera Controls
- XS-10398 Snapshot collection task: logging uses wrong node id field
- XS-10395 OnOffCyclesVFDSpeedToDataHistory task intermittently fails when writing to Data History
- XS-10394 Morning Report With Different ScheduleGroup creates “Record Already Exists” SQL Error
- XS-10390 Measurements Tab Displays Multiple Records For The Same Date/Time/Value From Facility Tags
- XS-10322 Well Config: Upload Equipment Error message is incorrect
- XS-10321 Well Config: Not updating rod grade properly after an equipment upload
- XS-10180 Sample Live Strokes Not Working For POCType = 3 RPC Lufkin MPC
What’s new in 3.2.2 Build (23-273)
(Released on: 1/24/2023)
New Feature(s)
- XS-9846 PCP SMARTEN Status Screen – add Rods and Motor Type
- XS-9830 Camera Snapshot config: Allow the disabling of a camera from collection and status view
- XS-10053 Snapshot gallery: Update comment save and cancel button enabled states per comment change status
- XS-10034 Snapshot Gallery: Exiting the modal improvement
- XS-9970 Update The Archive Data History Stored Procedure
- XS-9968 Do Not Create Nonexistent Wells From DYN File Import
- XS-9820 Maps: Color-code the well icons based on the legend
- XS-9770 Licensing for Rod Pump Autonomous Control
- XS-9682 Snapshot Gallery: Allow the focused photo view to occupy the entire viewing area of the screen
- XS-9612 Failure History grid should have 3 locked columns
- XS-9582 Update Backup Date In tblSavedParameters When Synchronize All>Send Device->Backup Copy
- XS-9172 Well Tree Filtering Hidden Group Indication Icon
Bug Fix(s)
- XS-10208 In the equipment tab, for RL, GL and ESP, when measured depths are updated, TVD should be recalculated
- XS-10176 RodString Type Causes Arithmetic Operation Overflow error in XSPOC XDIAG, but not in XDIAG Standalone
- XS-10173 Increase PumpingUnitID length to 10 in tblWellDetails
- XS-9774 Communication Information Not Displaying With Rotoflex Pumping Unit
- XS-9745 Database tool hangs when selecting tables with binary data
- XS-8385 Remove Unsupported Registers From tblSavedParameters by POCType and FirmwareVersion
Database changes
- None
New Discovered Issues
- 2/8/2023 There is an issue that we found with GL analysis where if a user has an older version of the XS Client and they try to run analysis on the latest client it will timeoutWe have an issue written to catch this XS-10287
What’s new in 3.2.1 Build (60-5137)
(Released on: 10/25/2022)
New Feature(s)
- None
- XS-9972 Well Status: Mark registers for StatusScan for POCType 391 for use with the ChampionX Digi Ultra status screen
Bug Fix(s)
- XS-9967 Well Config: Fixed issue with rods not updating properly
- XS-9850 Well Status: Screen Blank for Chemical Injection Pump
- XS-9838 Snapshot Gallery: Client crashes when using quick approval mode
Database changes
- None
New Discovered Issues
- None at this time
What’s new in 3.2.1 Build (59-3895)
(Released on: 10/4/2022)
New Feature(s)
- XS-9278 GL Critical Velocity Plot
- XS-7310 Support the ability for Recommend/Autonomous SOs to run once a day only
- XS-9477 Update Cycle Control Screen for Total Flow Devices (POCType = 304)
- XS-9437 Snapshot gallery: Make image thumbnail and zoom have same aspect ratio as original image
- XS-9303 Reason For Pull Missing On The Failure History Screen
- XS-9170 Idle Time Setpoint Optimization screen boxes don’t line up
- XS-9084 OnOffCyclesVfdSpeedToDataHistory: Record less data
- XS-9050 Red border appears when switching between Control Variable
- XS-9032 Display recommendations in Control Center Configuration
- XS-9004 Stop Runaway Comm Log
- XS-8978 Update Chemical Injection Rate Phrases to include explanation of the parameter that is guiding the optimization
- XS-8977 Validate inputs when leaving input box
- XS-8940 Log well name change in tblEvents
- XS-8909 Update VFD Algorithm Frequency Optimization
- XS-8906 Update Autonomous Idle Time Algorithm to include Proportional logic
- XS-8701 Chem Pump Status Screen Enhancements
- XS-8582 Database tblWellTest – Drop
- XS-8578 Database table tblPUData – Drop
Bug Fix(s)
- XS-9558 Failure History “Date” column does not sort by Year
- XS-9508 Asset Status Screen Labels Incorrect With Reverse Mark Pumping Unit
- XS-9337 Host alarms: Fix incorrect log verbosity level of email error messages
- XS-9326 tblNodeTree hitting max value for ID column
- XS-9269 FacilityStatus: Only Allow Well Control To Write Values (Setpoints, Facility Tags)
- XS-9225 Change Restart XSPOC Services Message to Monitor Services
- XS-9217 Update Autonomous Idle Time’s Well Notes logging
- XS-9053 XSPOC Crash When Updating Rod String
- XS-9002 Well Config : Decimals issue on rods
- XS-8990 GL Pressure profile control – tubing length not being drawn correctly
Database changes
- Added Table tblCameraConfigurations
- Added Column [CameraConfigurationID] int NULL to tblCameras
- Added Table tblCameraSnapshotComments
- Added Column [Status] tinyint NULL to tblDocuments
- Added Column [Comment] nvarchar(MAX) NULL to tblDocuments
- Added Table tblHttpAuthenticationTypes
- Added Table tblPUData
- Removed Deprecated Table tblWellTest if empty
- Add Scheduled Task CameraSnapshotCollection for collecting a snapshot from applicable cameras in tblCameras
- Update diameters in tblRods to values found in tblRodSizes
New Discovered Issues
- None at this time
XSPOC 3.2 Release Notes
What’s new in 3.2.0 Build (145-2364)
(Released on: 9/2/2022)
New Feature(s)
- XS-9413 Added additional ChampionX ESP Equipment
- XS-9428 Fixed: Support fractions in casing sizes
- XS-7113 Added Parameter Standard Types to SMARTEN and Lufkin controller maps to allow VFD setpoint optimization to work across controller types.
Bug Fix(s)
- XS-9581 Now supports SQLNCLI driver to be used with TLS 1.2 for data integration
- XS-9542 Fixed issue with wells missing from well groups in some conditions
- XS-9534 Fixed Priority column in Well Groups table, column changed to not allow nulls
- XS-9461 Fixed field maps that had stopped working. Functionality is more limited than previous and will be fully restored in a future version.
- XS-9325 Fixed: Incorrect VFD Setpoint Optimization explanations for speed changes
- XS-9549 Group Status View Does Not Keep the Sort A-Z or Z-A
- XS-9671 Unable to write back to address 20 for poc type 16
- XS-9549 Group Status View Does Not Keep the Sort A-Z or Z-A
New Discovered Issues
- None at this time
What’s new in 3.2.0 Build (128-5895)
(Released on: 5/3/2022)
New Feature(s)
- XS-8346 Add setpoint optimization changes to the data history so the data can be viewed in the Setpoint Optimization History screen
- XS-7873 Added 24-hour waiting period for setpoint optimization task after it is determined that no change will be necessary for 24 hours
- XS-7840 Added gas lift operating points to the Gas Lift Analysis screen
- XS-7789 Facility Tag Configuration: Added UI support for calculated tags
- XS-7740 Added granularity to the performance curve on the Gas Lift Analysis screen to improve accuracy of gas lift economics
- XS-7697 Added the ability for users to toggle ESP analysis On or Off depending on the desired level of monitoring and optimization
- XS-7696 Added the ability for users to toggle Gas Lift analysis On or Off depending on the desired level of monitoring and optimization
- XS-7556 Added the ability for XSPOC to determine the optimal gas injection rate based on the economic impact for the corresponding liquid production rate
- XS-7450 Well Status: Added flowline pressure display based on PST
- XS-7361 Well Tree Filter: New feature that allows a filter to be applied to well groups
- XS-7287 Improved the filter option in the Setpoint Optimization Control Center to maintain the last used filter
- XS-7041 Added information to Setpoint Optimization screen to help users understand why algorithms are unable to run for wells based on missing historical data
- XS-6843 Added algorithm to autonomously control and optimize VFD setpoints for rod pump wells
- XS-8718 Card Viewer: Added ability to manually enter number of live cards to collect
- XS-8588 Log Files: Admin Lite role can now access log files
- XS-8530 Improved the Setpoint Optimization Controller Center to display wells with recent setpoint optimization changes
- XS-8505 Improved the Setpoint Optimization Control Center to only allow enrollment in VFD Setpoint Optimization where the optimization is relevant
- XS-8468 Facility Tag Configuration: Added support for display of state text instead of raw value
- XS-8444 Improved icons in Setpoint Optimization Control Center to reduce blurriness when highlighted
- XS-8278 Added screen to view history of setpoint optimization changes from the XSPOC autonomous control
- XS-8244 Improved tubing leak classification for rod pump wells
- XS-8169 Custom Pumping Units: Well Admin role can now update the Unit Type
- XS-8093 Changed maximum idle time default threshold to 150 minutes
- XS-8033 Improved controller trends screen to allow trends to graph on multiple y-axes
- XS-7830 Improved injection pressure curve coloring to make the curve more easily visible to users
- XS-7784 Integration Jobs: Allow better scheduling control by using an appended number (IntegrateDataImport-5 will only run import with ID=5)
- XS-7754 Data VIew: Now supports ODBC connection strings
- XS-7619 Database screen: Allow retention of selected tables when re-opening based on user
- XS-7553 Database screen: Show the number of records displayed
- XS-7415 Well Tree: Added a list of recently selected wells to improve navigation
- XS-7402 Improve setpoint optimization phrasing to give users more information on the actions being taken by the autonomous setpoint optimization feature
- XS-7401 Improved the workflow for the Setpoint Optimization Control Center and Configuration screens to allow users to highlight and right click and enroll wells in setpoint optimization
- XS-7398 Improved the Setpoint Optimization Control Center tool bar to reflect more modern look and feel and match the Classification Dashboard toolbar
- XS-7397 Added the ability to run idle time setpoint optimization on wells in surface control mode
- XS-7392 Improved the highlight functionality in the Setpoint Optimization screen to be able to start on rows that are already highlighted
- XS-7391 Improved the user interface in the Asset Configuration screen to show change when setpoint is marked for optimization
- XS-7163 Added logging in the asset notes for when wells are opted out of setpoint optimization
- XS-7139 Improved the VFD setpoint optimization algorithm to be able to convert SPM values into Hz
- XS-7113 Added Parameter Standard Types to SMARTEN and LUFKIN controller maps to allow VFD setpoint optimization to work across controller types
- XS-7019 Improved Setpoint Optimization Control Center to show a loading indicator while data is being loaded in the screen
- XS-6983 Improved ESP Analysis screen to show entire pump curve in cases where the pump curve wasn’t fully displaying
Bug Fix(es)
- XS-9008 Animations: Eliminate duplicate videos
- XS-8971 Failure Analysis: Fixed issue with bottom of window being cutoff in certain screen settings
- XS-8857 Host Alarm: Fixed issue with updating and refreshing alarm configuration
- XS-8766 Fixed issue where the Setpoint Optimization Control Center leaves selected row after the screen is refreshed
- XS-8607 Fixed port size and PPEF for Weatherford 16/64″ gas lift valve
- XS-8259 Fixed issue where critical velocity lines were not drawing to the top of screen in Gas Lift Analysis
- XS-8092 Run Status: PCS Plunger lift well mode label improvements
- XS-8091 History Graph: Graph uses midnight of current day for end of graph to handle time zone differences between client and server
- XS-7929 Group Status: Fixed problem with adding Facility Tag Alarm column
- XS-7912 Morning Reports: Allow scheduling of additional report times with Print Morning Reports 2, 3, and 4 names
New Discovered Issues
- XS-9671 Unable to write back to address 20 for poc type 16
- XS-9577 Cannot Backup Setpoints For Certain Addresses For Lufkin SAM Controllers
- XS-9549 Group Status View Does Not Keep the Sort A-Z or Z-A